
Everest National Insurance Company a/s/o Nugate Group, LLC. v. United States  Case Nos: 1:9-cv-00658-KJM; 21-16082. Represented intervenor, Everest.  On September 3, 2024, Everest collected $865,000.00 on Everest's $1,188,000.00 Hawaii worker's compensation subrogation claim from USA.  On April 6, 2015 insured workers cutting grass in the United States Department of the Army  (DOA) closed high impact military training range at Makua Military Reservation (MMR) in Oahu, Hawaii. Worker's power grass cutter struck a live buried/hidden 66 MM LAW M72 Rocket HEAT (High Explosives Anti Tank Round) "UXO" causing explosion and shrapnel injuries.  Workers filed Federal Tort Claims Act injury complaint against USA (DOA). Under HRS 386-8, Everest filed intervening complaint.  USA filed motions to dismiss claiming Discretionary Function Exception Immunity ("DFE").  Dismissal motions granted.  Workers/Everest appealed. See: Everest's Opening Brief. See: Everest's Reply Brief.  Appeal argued and submitted on July 5, 2022 Honolulu, Hawaii.  Dismissals affirmed based on failure plead avoidance support under AR 350-19 4-8 (e); dismissals reversed on district court's denial of leave to amend complaints. See: Appellate Order.  Post appeal, after complaint amendments, USA filed second motion to dismiss.  Motion denied.  District court affirmed  subject matter jurisdiction as USA potentially liable under military regulations  DOA wrote governing UXO  avoidance and support. Garcia v. United States, Slip op. at 6-7 2023 WL 8878773.

Barsich v. Riteway-Huggins Construction Services, Inc. (13L 6986). Defended Riteway. On July 11, 2011 McHugh Construction employee Michael Barsich was performing ironwork installation at the 31st Harbor project. Barsich tripped on unistruts, sustaining traumatic right ankle synovitis, right medial osteochondral defect of the talus resulting in right ankle arthroscopic debridement with osteochondral microfracture and repair. Medical specials and lost income $189,390.00. Barsich filed amended complaint against defendants under Restatement 414, 343 and general negligence. Settlement demand $595,000.00. Riteway moved for Summary Judgment arguing neither retained control, notice of dangerous condition, nor breach of duty. See Riteway's Motion for Summary Judgment and Plaintiff's Response.  Summary Judgment motion argued and submitted on January 28, 2016.  Motion granted, case dismissed.  See: Order.

Carin L. Larson v. BNR Pizza, Inc. and Langel's Inc., Case No.: 45D05-1909-CT-000975. Defended BNR Pizza, Inc. On March 11, 2019, Carin L. Larson claims she was pushed by employee of BNR Pizza, Inc. causing her to fall onto her left knee.  BNR Pizza, Inc. provided an affidavit of non-involvement. Affidavit.  BNR Pizza then filed Indiana Trial Rule 12(B)(6) Motion to Dismiss. Motion.  By order of January 10, 2020, case dismissed against BNR Pizza, Inc. Order.  

John Friel v. Miller, No 18L 004793. Represented defendants; from March 4, 2020 to March 11, 2020 case tried to Jury verdict. On September 14, 2014 John Friel worked as Union decorator at McCormick Place, Chicago. Friel claimed he was struck by Miller, who was driving a yellow scooter towing a dumpster.  Negligence denied.  Friel sustained glenoid labral tear with surgery. Medical $48,000.00; lost time $72,000.00.  Testifying defense witnesses included: E. Boone Brackett, M.D. (orthopedist), Stan V. Smith, Phd (economist) and Indiana detective Robert Tracy (surveillance). See: Motions in Limine with order. Verdict $315,900.00. See: The Roundup$44,482.82 post-trial discovery sanctions motion filed. See: Motion. Motion Granted: $28,309.58 fees and costs awarded. See: January 11, 2021 order.

Meisha Wilder v. White Castle and Westec, No. 07 cv 4491. Defended Westec. On Friday morning, August 5, 2005, at 2:19 a.m., 19 year old plaintiff was at White Castle # 67 in Dolton, Illinois. While at #67, a gang fight broke out. Wilder was shot by a restaurant intruder sustaining a comminuted fracture of the right T5 lamina resulting in lower complete paraplegia, including permanent bowel and bladder neurology; $630,000.00 in medical. On June 27, 2007, suit was filed against White Castle and Westec for failure to provide proper restaurant security. Original demand $5,000,000.00. Mutual cross-claims filed between White Castle and Westec. Westec moved for F.R.C.P. 56 Summary Judgment, see L. R. 56.1 Fact Statement, see: Supporting Memorandum. Plaintiff responded, see: Plaintiff's Response. Case settled before ruling on motion for summary judgment. White Castle paid large settlement, Westec paid $15,000.00.

Navarro v. Loretto Hospital (14 MI 300567). Defended Loretto Hospital. On April 17, 2012 Ujamma Construction employee John Navarro performing temporary wall construction at Loretto in advance of IDPH inspection. Navarro fell from ladder down 18 stairs, sustaining frontal lobe concussion, permanent paroxysmal positional vertigo, loss of hearing, L5-51 disc herniation, C-4/C-5 disc herniation with discectomy and fusion, right knee injury with arthroscopy, and right shoulder rotator cuff tear. Medical specials/lost income in excess of $890,000.00. Navarro filed complaint against Loretto under Restatement of Torts 414 and 343. Loretto moved for summary judgment arguing neither retained control nor notice. See MotionResponse and Reply. Motion for summary judgment granted, case dismissed. See June 19, 2015 Memorandum Opinion.
Miller v. White Castle and Westec, No. 07 L 004632. Defended Westec. Wrongful death. On May 5, 2005, at 2:37 a.m., a street gang fight occurred in the east parking lot of White Castle, Store No.: 25. DeParis Miller, age 21, was stabbed in left shoulder by a rival gang member and died from his injuries. On May 4, 2007, Sharon Miller (mother of DeParis Miller) filed an amended complaint based on Count I, the Wrongful Death Act, Count II, the Survival Act, and Count III, the Family Expense Act against White Castle, alleging breach of duty to provide restaurant security. Original demand $2,500,000.00. On December 11, 2009, plaintiff filed Amended Complaint against Westec alleging spoliation of video computer evidence; on February 8, 2010, White Castle filed Six Count Amended Third-Party Complaint against Westec, including count for spoliation of evidence. Westec moved to bar plaintiff's spoliation opinion testimony, see Motion to Strike, and Motion for Summary Judgment. Plaintiff responded Westec voluntarily assumed a duty to preserve the lost computer server. See Memorandum in Opposition. Westec also moved for Partial Summary Judgment against White Castle, see Motion, and White Castle's Response. Prior to trial, White Castle paid large settlement, Westec paid $5,000.00 and case was dismissed.

Munich Re:/Lexington Ins. Co. v. Crown Energy, No. 10 L 7165. Defended Crown Energy. On March 28, 2007, electrical fire started within HVAC cooling towers at 500 West Monroe. HVAC System serviced by Crown. $576,779.00 in damages with request for attorney's fees to replace cooling towers. On May 3, 2010, subrogation suit filed no. 1:10-cv-2719. Defendant filed F.R.C.P. 12(b)(6) motion. See Motion and Memorandum. Under F.R.C.P. 41 (a)(1), case voluntarily dismissed. Remanded state court case filed, as 10 L 7165. Defendant filed numerous 735 ILCS 5/2-615 motions to dismiss, see Motion and Plaintiff's Brief In Opposition. Under 735 ILCS 5/2-615, on April 23, 2012, Fourth Amended Complaint and Third Amended Intervenor Complaint dismissed, see April 23, 2012 Memorandum Opinion. Leave given to amend. No amended pleadings filed. On June 11, 2012, for inability to replead, all causes dismissed with prejudice.

Sarah Spencer v. Dady Mart, No. 2015-M1-300035. Defended Dady Mart. On June 21, 2014, plaintiff fell when the inner door at defendant's store closed on plaintiff. Plaintiff sustained neck and exacerbating prior hip injuries. Plaintiff filed complaint under Restatement of torts 343. Dady Mart moved for summary judgment. See MotionResponseReply. Motion denied. Case then tried with judgment entered against plaintiff and in favor of Dady Mart.

Kryca v. Swift Transportation v. Bright Sky., No. 14 L 1375. Represented third-party employer defendants Bright Sky Cleaning Group, Inc. and Serv Management Group, Inc. On March 31, 2009 Kryca struck in face by backing Swift truck resulting in loss of six teeth requiring four jaw bone grafts, periodontal surgery and dental implants. $86,500.00 in medical expenses with $80,000.00 in future medical needed for sinus reconstruction, bone grafting and implant replacement. Swift filed two 735 ILCS 5/2-406(b) third-party contribution complaints alleging negligent job site safety and negligent training. Third-party defendants moved for summary judgment claiming Kryca's failure to establish facts supporting negligent job site safety or negligent supervision. See Motion and Response. Summary Judgment Motion granted, case dismissed against third-party defendents. See March 11, 2014 hearing transcript. Swift Transportation paid $225,000.00 settlement to Kryca.

Williams v. Excelon Co. et. al. No 12 L 007072. Defended Analysts Maintenance Laboratories, Inc. (AML) and represented intervening plaintiff. On June 24, 2010 Darren Williams, an employee of AML, was injured when he fell off a Bell Fuels, Inc. truck, sustaining lumbar injuries resulting in a C5-51 anterior interbody fusion. 820 ILCS 305/1 worker's compensation lien in excess of $343,000.00. On March 7, 2013, after the two year limitations of 735 ILCS 5/13-202 expired, AML served with Williams' first amended complaint by unlicenced private detective, in violation of 735 ILCS 5/2-202(a). AML filed a 735 ILCS 5/2-301(a) motion to quash service of process (See Motion to Quash). On April 11, 2013, motion granted. Because of William's inability to show due diligence under S.C.R. 103(b) in serving AML with first amended complaint, and William's inability to defeat AML's 820 ILCS 305/5(a) immunity, on April 13, 2013 entire case voluntarily dismissed, with no refiling (See Order).

Razia Zafar, Administrator of the Estate of Sarwar Zafar, Deceased v. Jose Gonzalez and Machine Tool Technology-21, Inc., No. 91 L 15691. Represented defendant. Wrongful death. Driving west on I-290, Jose Gonzales, working for Machine Technology-21, Inc., struck car driven by Sarwar Zafar in rear. Zafar then veered into traffic lane of semi truck driven by Daniel Getter operated by Ivy Guild Co. Getter's tractor hit Zafar's car. Zafar died of head injury. Plaintiffs initially filed 740 ILCS 180/1 wrongful death action against Jose Gonzales, later filed second amended complaint adding Machine Tool Technology-21, Inc. as defendant and adding 755 ILCS 5/27-6 survival action. Third-party contribution complaint filed by Machine Tool Technology-21, Inc., against Getter. Defendants successfully barred testimony of Daniel Getter as S.C.R. 219(c) discovery sanction. Machine Tool Technology-21, Inc. then moved for partial summary judgment on survival count of plaintiff's second amended complaint relying in part on testimony of emergency treatment physician that Zafar was paralyzed from accident, never regained consciousness and could not communicate. Original demand $1,500,000.00. Machine Tool Technology-21, Inc.'s motion for partial summary judgment under 735 ILCS 5/2-1005(d) to dismiss survival count which was granted. Case later settled favorably.

James Garrett and Ilona Garrett, Special Co-Administrators of the Estate of Dane Garrett, Deceased, v. Berwyn Auto Service, No. 96 L 12500. Represented defendants. Wrongful death. Defendants' tow truck struck and killed a ten year old child crossing Ogden Avenue in Brookfield, Illinois. See news article. Defendant did not see child. Occurrence witnesses testified child walked directly into path of defendant's moving tow truck.  Defendants asserted counter-claim for contribution against Ilona Garrett, alleging negligent supervision of Dane Garrett. Counterclaim for negligent supervision survived ILCS 735 2-619(a) motion to dismiss. Case settled for $250,000.00.

Jeffrey Zich v. Focus Construction, No.: 07 L 010817. Defended Nova Fire Protection, Inc. Jeffrey Zich, an electrical inspector fell on drywall debris while Sherman Plaza under construction. Zich sustained L3-L4 neurologic injury resulting in decompressive lumbar laminectomy, with specials totaling $107,000.00; settlement demand $500,000.00. Nova moved for summary judgment, see Motion for Summary Judgment. Case settled for $226,000.00; Nova's share of settlement $1,500.00. See Motion for Good Faith Finding.

Vogt v. Corbett,563 N.E.2d 447 (1990). Illinois Supreme Court Lead counsel for Gregory Vogt. In Vogt, Michael Stefani was a passenger in a car driven by Scialabba, which was struck in the rear by car driven by Gregory Vogt. Michael Stefani sustained leg fracture, receiving treatments at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital. During treatment at Gottlieb, Michael Stefani fell from his from wheel chair. Stefani refractured leg. Plaintiff sued Scialabba, Vogt, Paulsen, and Gottlieb Memorial Hospital. Scialabba then settled with plaintiff. Later, at Gottlieb Hospital, Maxwell Corbett, M.D. remanipulated Stefani's leg, causing a third leg fracture. In separate action, Stefani sued Henry Accuna, M.D. and Maxwell Corbett, M.D., but suit untimely under 735 ILCS 5/13-212. Because Vogt potentially responsible for all damages, even those caused by medical negligence, Vogt filed a third-party contribution claim against Maxwell Corbett, M.D. Illinois Supreme Court held actions for contribution subject to four year statute of repose contained in 735 ILCS 5/13-212(a).  Opinion, 563 N.E.2d 447 (1990).

John Russo v. David Russo d/b/a D.J.'s Towing, Inc., no. 00 L 003518. Represented Defendants. John Russo was a passenger in David Russo's tow truck. John Russo and David Russo were cousins. At 4:00 a.m., David Russo lost control of tow truck and struck concrete bridge head-on. John Russo sustained knee, shoulder, right wrist fracture requiring an open reduction and internal fixation of the scaphoid non-union with iliac crest with bone grafting, and L5-S1 disc herniation. Based on discogram and repeated MRIs, orthopedic surgeon provided posterior interbody fusion at L5-S1 with pedicle instrumentation and iliac bone grafting. Left side sciatica and numbness persisted post-operation. Specials and lost and future income in excess of $475,000.00. $500,000.00 policy limits demand. Following Motions in Limine, Jury selection and opening statements, plaintiff moved for directed verdict on David Russo's negligence.  Case settled for $220,000.00. 

Bennett G. Braun, M.D. v. Insurance Companies, No. 05 L 004203. Represented one of four of insurance companies. Patricia Burgus and her minor children treated at Rush Presbyterian Hospital by psychiatrist Bennett Braun, M.D. Suspecting multiple personality disorder (MPD), Bennett G. Braun, M.D. treated Burgus with Inderal and hypnosis causing Burgus to recall memories of torture, satanic cult involvement and family abuse. Burgus filed for medical negligence against Braun and others and settled for $10,500,000.00. Complaint filed by Illinois Department of Professional Regulation and Braun's medical license surrendered. Braun then filed court complaint against insurers, attorneys and health care providers alleging defendants settled Burgus' medical malpractice action without Braun's consent. Two appeals taken. On April 12, 2007, after second appeal, Braun unable to answer written discovery and case voluntarily dismissed, with no refiling.  

Peter Meyers v. Pacella Piggyback, Inc., No. 04 M5-001064. Represented defendant. On May 19, 2002 defendant's semi-truck and trailer allegedly sideswiped plaintiff's Ford, 4x4. Defendants denied contact. Damages included $300,000.00 lost income, (3 years out of work); plaintiff claimed cervical strain, degenerative arthritis, thoracic myositis superimposed on previous T-7 fracture and knee injury; $10,000.00 medical. See video surveillance on plaintiff (Clip 1Clip 2Clip 3Clip 4). Defendants filed motion for S.C.R. 219(c) sanctions. See motion. Motion granted and case again dismissed for want of prosecution. Plaintiff's motion to vacate second dismissal for want of prosecution denied. Case dismissed with prejudice.

John Bohn v. JEG, Inc., No. 04 L 012295. Represented Defendant. On March 19, 1999 defendant's tow truck driving southbound on Cicero Avenue turned left in front of plaintiff's on coming pickup, causing collision. Defendant denied negligence. Plaintiff removed from scene by ambulance. Claimed injuries included posterior C4-C5, posterior disc herniation with possible cervical decompression recommended, aggravation of prior lumbar laminectomy and discectomy with bilateral nerve root decompression and psychological injury. $60,000.00 medical expenses and $45,000.00 lost income alleged. Plaintiff examined by defendant's S.C.R. 215(a) physician and prior video surveillance obtained on plaintiff. On eve of trial, defendant filed motion to bar for failure of plaintiff to make S.C.R. 213(f) disclosures. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-1009, case voluntarily dismissed. Case refiled. Defendant filed S.C.R. 219(c) sanctions motion. See S.C.R. 219(c) Motion. See Response. Motion denied, but plaintiff ordered to reanswer all prior written discovery. Plaintiff reasnwered interrogatories, verifying plaintiff's involvement in March 9, 1999 rear-end accident where plaintiff sustained cervical and lumbar injuries. Plaintiff's lawyer withdrew from case. Defendant filed second motion for S.C.R. 219(c) sanctions. See Second S.C.R. 219(c) Motion. At hearing on motion, case dismissed and order final under Beauchamp v. Zimmerman, 359 Ill.App.3d 143, 833 N.E.2d 877 (1st Dist., 2005).

Robert R. Chamberlin, III v. Roadrunners Auto Transport, Inc., No. 2003 L 00103. Represented defendant. Roadrunner's trucker driving Ford tractor with empty auto hauler southbound on Route 59 took left turn in front of Chamberlin's oncoming vehicle causing accident. Defendant denied negligence. Chamberlin received shoulder separation and claimed soft tissue injuries. $7,516.00 in medical specials. Video surveillance conducted on Chamberlin. Defendant's motions in limine barred lost income claim and medical expense. Damages for pain and suffering and loss of normal life awarded. $19,800.00 verdict for Plaintiff. Defendants filed 735 ILCS 5/2-1202 motion for new trial arguing court improperly combined Illinois Pattern Instruction 30.05 and Illinois Pattern Instruction 30.06 in violation of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 239(a). Defendant's motion for new trial granted. Case retried. On retrial Defendant admitted negligence. Plaintiff asked $24,000.00. Verdict, reduced to $4,000.00. See Motion for New Trial and Amended Motions in Limine.

Donna Hamilton as mother of Thomas Hamilton, a minor v. Amy Carlson and Alps Transportation, Inc., No. 96 L 758. Represented Defendants. Amy Carlson, driving school bus for Alps Transportation, dropped children off mid-block. Seven and a half year old Thomas Hamilton crossed front of the bus and slipped in Amy Carlson's path. Carlson ran over child's arm. Hamilton suffered condylar fracture, humeral fracture and radial fracture. Because of possible containment syndrome, child flown by Flight for Life to Children's Hospital in Milwaukee where open reduction with internal fixation of condylar fracture performed; closed reduction performed on radial fracture. K-wires inserted to align fractures and arm cast applied. Despite child's age, defendants successfully asserted contributory negligence against minor child; and third-party complaint for contribution against Donna Hamilton for negligent supervision of minor child. Video surveillance conducted on child. Trial demand reduced to $40,000.00. $5,000.00 offer. After apportionment on contributory negligence and contribution claim, $2,100.00 verdict for plaintiff. No medical expenses awarded.

William Lee v. Royal Towing Service, Inc., a Dissolved Corporation, No. 01 L 3238. Represented defendants. Royal Towing's loaded GMC auto hauler northbound on I-55 at I-294 junction struck rear of semi-truck driven by William Lee. Plaintiff claimed knee, cervical, and left shoulder injury. Michael Morgenstern, M.D. found acromioclavicular separation and rotator cuff tear. Subacromial decompression and debridement of incomplete rotator cuff tear performed. $16,200.00 medical and $11,852.00 lost time. $47,621.77 worker's compensation lien. Case first non-suited, but refiled. Defendants then filed S.C.R. 219(c) Motion for Discovery Sanctions. See Motion for Discovery Sanctions. Motion granted. William Lee fined and paid $2,200.00. Case later tried. Defendant driver not present at trial. Defendants admitted negligence, but denied proximate cause. Defendants' medical expert, E. Boone Brackett, M.D. testified plaintiff?s complaints attributable to pre-existing shoulder scarring and previous shoulder surgeries performed at Lutheran General Hospital. Plaintiff asked $70,000.00; defendants offered $15,000.00; jury verdict $47,098.73; case settled for $42,000.00, prior to appeal.

Corcorran v.Sauk Trails, No. 95 L 00442. Represented defendant. Driver picked up 47 passengers at Ed and Bills Maple Inn on route to Milwaukee Irish Festival. Passengers, including Patricia Corcorran, were drinking on coach bus. Plaintiff claimed to have fallen on bus stairs due to water accumulating from leaking beer coolers. Plaintiff alleged to have sustained rib fractures; turn rotator cuff with Neer acromioplasty performed. Defendants moved for summary judgment arguing plaintiff could not show bus driver knew the source of the water accumulation or how long the water accumulation existed. See motion. Defendants' motion for summary judgment granted. Case dismissed.

Lavergne Coleman v. Howard Hoekstra, GNA Trucking, City of Chicago, A & J Cartage, GNA Trucking, City of Chicago, and Robert Bell, No. 02 L 3916. Defended GNA Trucking and City of Chicago. Lavergne Coleman involved in accident after major snowstorm with a front-end loader driven by Howard Hoekstra. Plaintiff incurred $55,000.00 in medical and lost wages, resulting in microdiscectomy. Plaintiff also sued GNA Trucking and City of Chicago, arguing they supervised snow removal activities or were vicariously responsible for Hoekstra's activities. GNA Trucking and City of Chicago moved for summary judgment, arguing no vicarious responsibility for GNA Trucking; City of Chicago immune from suit under 745 ILCS 10/3-105(a) and 745 ILCS 3-108(b) of Tort Immunity Act. Motion for summary judgment forced plaintiff to voluntarily dismiss GNA Trucking and City of Chicago, with no refiling. See: Motion for Summary Judgment.

Josephine Butzen by Edwina Skelton v. Dale Smith and Dales Charter Service and Mayflower Tours, No. 99 L 08589. Represented defendants. Wrongful death. Eighty-four year old Josephine Butzen fell on defendants' moving coach bus, sustaining non-displaced pelvic fracture. Butzen later died from emphysema and cardiac arrest. Plaintiff filed wrongful death and survival complaint alleging bus fall a proximate cause of later death. Defendants moved for summary judgment arguing Dales Charter not a common carrier, but private contract carrier under Doe v. Rockdale School District, 679 N.E. 2d 773 (1997) thereby owning only the duty of ordinary care. See: Motion for Summary Judgment. Motion for Summary Judgment granted, case dismissed, but settled to avoid appeal expense.

First Presbyterian Church v. Kenneth Lung, Bob Thomas Painting, and Robert Harris Thomas, No. 92L 1083. Represented Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company. Lung, a painting contractor in Alton, Illinois, painted First Presbyterian Church, touching aluminum ladder against 20,000 volt uninsulated power line maintained by Union Electric. Electricity passed from ladder through sidewalk into concrete rebar, traveled to sanctuary ceiling of church, igniting fire. Defendants filed motion under 735 ILCS 2-619(5), arguing case to be dismissed under 735 ILCS 5/13-214 improvements to real property statute. Defendant's motion denied. Plaintiff established painting activities amounted to ordinary maintenance, not improvements to real property. Damages exceeded $2,414,905.70; case settled favorably. See: Plaintiffs' Response Brief.

State of Ohio v. Carl Brixius and David Sliman v. Triad Metal Products (intervenors)., No. 41578. Represented Triad Metal Products. Carl Brixius worked for 37 years as a purchasing employee at Triad Metal Products Company. Brixius was a third generation employee of Triad Metal Products Company. David Sliman was the owner of Midpark Metals, Inc. At the time of loss, 65% of Midpark Metal, Inc.'s business was based on purchases from Triad Metal Products Company. Carl Brixius and David Sliman devised a scheme where Carl Brixius would order metal supplies from David Sliman at Midpark Metals. David Sliman would claim to have received the product. However, no product was purchased or shipped, but Carl Brixius would acknowledge receipt of the product and then issue an electronic funds transfer to David Sliman, and they would split the proceeds. Theft totaled $204,078.00. Triad Metal Products Company worked directly with Ohio state prosecutors. State prosecutors agreed to reduce felony charges to misdemeanor theft. $192,820.00 repaid by debtors; debtors given probation and sentenced on misdemeanor theft.

Fabri-Centers of America, Inc. v. Payless Shoe Source, Inc., No. EV 92-94-C. Represented Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company. Federal diversity action filed against Payless Shoe Source, Inc. and NCR Corporation. Xon 7625 Database manufactured and installed by NCR Corporation at Payless Shoe Source, Inc. alleged to have started fire at Payless Shoe Source, Inc. Xon unit documented by Evansville Fire Department to have malfunctioned two days before fire. Payless Shoe Source, Inc. called NCR Corporation, reporting Xon unit smelled of smoke. NCR Corporation inspected the Xon unit but found no defect. Evansville Fire Department official testified NCR Corporation's database started fire which spread from Payless Shoe Source, Inc. to Fabri Center of America next door. Defense experts countered Xon 7625 unit had insufficient voltage (6 volts) and amperage to start fire. Causes of action included products liability, negligence, and res ipsa loquitur. Inventory and contents damage approached $325,000.00; case settled for $250,000.00.

Vincent v. Rubino v. Bartels, No. 84 L 5374. Defended David Bartels. Plaintiff, Vincent Rubino, was struck in rear by car driven by David Bartels. Rubino complained of soft tissue neck and back injuries. Rubino also claimed prostate surgery was caused by the accident and claimed $5,181.00 in additional bills for prostate surgery. Monsour Charkewycz, M.D. testified accident aggravated plaintiff's prostatitis. Defense called two urologists. Defendants' urologists discussed incidence and prevalence of prostatitis; that plaintiff demonstrated existence of chronic prostatitis which could not be exacerbated by any accident trauma. Plaintiff's verdict $735.00.

Terese A. Connors v. Sauk Trails, Inc., No. 02 L 012171. Represented defendants. Terese A. Connors, tour director for Fancy Free Tours, Inc. fell backwards, hitting head breaking bus windshield when Sauk Trails driver stopped in traffic on west I-80/I-94. Defendant, returning from charter tour to and from Mackinaw Island, claimed small car cut in front of bus forcing bus to stop. Bus did not strike car. Plaintiff alleged cervical pain, lumbar pain with left-side sciatica, closed head injury with memory loss, post-concussion syndrome and exacerbation of vasovagal syndrome. Report from NeuroBehavior and Rehabilitation Network, Inc. found no significant cognitive impairment. Medicals $9,021.00; $12,000.00 lost income claim withdrawn. Defendants moved for summary judgment. See Motion for Summary Judgment. Defendants' motion denied. Case tried through Circuit Court of Cook County mandatory arbitration program, before three person panel. Plaintiff argued bus driven too fast and bus driver inattentive, demanding arbitration limits of $30,000.00. Defendants argued no evidence of negligence and plaintiff barred from recovering under 735 ILCS 5/2-1116(c). Finding, not guilty. Case dismissed.

Allied Gear & Machinery Company v. North American Van Lines, No. 92 L 08200. Represented Allied Gear & Machinery Company. Allied Gear & Machinery Company entered into a written contract with Cord North American Moving and Storage Company, where Cord would transport Allied Gear's four Flexomaster printing presses from St. Louis, Missouri to the Pack-Expo show in Chicago, Illinois. Presses damaged in transit and valued in excess of $325,000.00. Bills of lading required Cord to return the presses after the show back to Allied Gear's business in St. Louis, Missouri. While Cord delivered the presses to the Chicago trade show, Cord failed to redeliver the presses to Allied Gear's business in St. Louis in violation of the bills of lading. Presses came into possession of Curtis and United Exposition Services without knowledge of Allied Gear. Defendants moved for partial summary judgment under 735 ILCS 5/2-1005(d) arguing 49 U.S.C. 14706(f), of Curtis Exposition Transportation, Inc's Tariff 400, Item 848, sufficient to limit liability to $2,000.00 per package ton. Plaintiffs argued Allied Gear never negotiated with Curtis for any carriage, never received notification of declared value, or given reasonable opportunity to select levels of liability insurance. See: Allied's Response. Defendants' motions denied. Allied Gear recovered $290,000.00, the full value of presses including damages for delay in transit. 

Laurence Esposito v. Darrin Fulton and C & E Towing Service, Inc., a Dissolved Illinois Corporation , No. 99 L 10438. Represented Defendants. Defendants' flatbed tow truck driving southbound on Cicero Avenue in Cicero, Illinois, preparing to turn left into gas station. Semi-truck driving northbound on Cicero Avenue in median lane yielded to defendants' turning tow truck. As tow truck completed turn, tow truck collided with Laurence Esposito, driving northbound on Cicero Avenue in curb lane, behind semi-truck. Defendants two passenger/witnesses left accident scene before police arrival. Esposito sustained head, chest, shoulder injuries; L5-S1 herniation with later laminectomy. Plaintiff's physicians attributed disc herniation and surgery to accident. $42,000.00 in medical; $20,042.81 in lost time from NFO Technologies. First amended complaint alleged negligence and negligent entrustment. $300,000.00 policy limits demand; case settled for $150,000.00.